Óskar Guðjónsson has been an in-demand saxophone player since his teens. Jazz and improvised music is, and has always been, very close to his heart. He tends to keep busy and is a founding member of the critically acclaimed group ADHD which tours regularly throughout Europe. He has also collaborated with bassist Skúli Sverrisson in the past which so far has produced two albums and countless concerts.
With an urge to explore the classic jazz sound of a horn accompanied by a piano trio, Óskar formed the quartet MOVE with pianist Eyþór Gunnarsson, bassist Valdimar Kolbeinn Sigurjónsson and drummer Matthías M.D. Hemstock. Since 2017 the group has got together on a weekly basis for rehearsals and exploration of their compositions and collective sound. The members are all well established on the Icelandic music scene and are known for their distinctive sound and personal approach to the various projects they take on.
Óskar Guðjónsson : tenor saxophone
Eyþór Gunnarsson : piano
Valdimar Kolbeinn Sigurjónsson : bass
Matthías M.D. Hemstock : drums