On the 27.t of february we will launch the fourth edition of Ós – The Journal, an annual multilingual literary anthology that features work of writers and artists of different origins, backgrounds, styles and languages who have a connection to Iceland.
Ós – The Journal No.4 brings over 60 pieces by 36 authors in 11 languages: Danish, English, French, German, Latin, Polish, Portugese, Slovenian, Spanish, and Icelandic.
The launch party will be an occasion to celebrate together with the authors and editors of the journal, check out our newest publication and enjoy the reading. Everyone is welcome.
This years’ authors are:
Ægir Þór
Ana Mjállhvít Drekadóttir
Ana Svetel
Anna Schlechter
Annalou Perez,
Beata Maria Kury
Birgitta Björk Bergsdóttir
Carlos Turrubiarte
Claire Paugam
Deepa Iyengar
Gabrial Dunsmish
Hannah Corinne
Helen Cova
Hólmfríður María Bjarnardóttir
Jez riley French
Jo van Schalwyk
John Dorroh
Juan Camilo Román Estrada
Kamila Ciolko-Borkowska
Margrét Ann Thors
Marta M.I. Jónsson
Maxine Savage
Michelle Spinei
Nathan Beck
Pheobe riley Law
Rex Beckett
Sébastien Nouat
Sigríður Jónasdóttir
Simon Halink
Sofie Hermansdóttir Eiriksdóttir
Sophie Fetokaki
Thibault Sallé
Yoav Tirosh
See also: www.ospressan.com and www.facebook.com/ospressan.
This event is possible thanks to Reykjavík Bókmenntaborg UNESCO, Litróf and IÐNÓ.