The final concert of Reykjavík Jazz 2021 will be something else!

For the 2021 Reykjavík Jazz Festival, Los Bomboneros will showcase a full scale latin bigband under the baton of conductor, trombonist and violinist Sigrún Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir, featuring the band’s arrangements of classic bigband hits from South and Central America and of brand new tunes by guitarist Daniel Helgason. For the past few years, Los Bomboneros (Sigrún – trombone and violin, Daníel – guitar and tres, Kristofer – percussion, Alexandra – bass and vocals) have added flavour and spice to the Icelandic music scene with their authentic approach to afro-latin music styles. The band has twice performed in bigband uniform at The Reykjavík Big Band’s annual Bigband Marathon, but now invites you to a loud salsa and cumbia party in the Harpa Music Hall. A fun-loving and boisterous show is to be expected and guests are encouraged not to hold back from any hip rotations or shouts of delight.

This is one party you do not want to miss.


Sigrún Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir : conductor
Daníel Helgason : guitar / tres
Alexandra Kjeld : bass / vocals
Kristofer Rodriguez Svönuson : percussion
Magnús Trygvason Eliassen : percussion
Matthías MD Hemstock : percussion
Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson : trumpet
Elvar Bragi Kristjónsson : trumpet
Jóhannes Þorleiksson : trumpet
Ragnhildur Gunnarsdóttir : trumpet
Ingi Garðar Erlendsson : trombone
Ingibjörg Azima Guðlaugsdóttir : trombone
Stefán Ómar Jakobsson : trombone
Heimir Ingi Guðmundsson : bass trombone
Helgi R. Heiðarsson : saxophone
Sólveig Morávek : saxophone
Sölvi Kolbeinsson : saxophone
Tumi Árnason : saxophone
Rósa Guðrún Sveinsdóttir : baritone saxophone