Oddrun LILJA has been recognised as an authentic, exciting and virtuos guitarist and composer from the Norwegian jazz scene. In addition to her world wide touring with recognised bands as Bugge Wesseltoft’s
New Conception of Jazz, Frode Haltli’s Avant Folk, and Moksha, she has travelled to perform with traditional musicians all over the world.
Inspired by these journeys, LILJA is releasing her debut solo album “Marble” on Jazzland recordings in September 2020. The album consists of ten pieces, named after the cities she has visited. It features a
star team of musicians, including Sanne Rambags (vocal), Bugge Wesseltoft (piano), Jo Skaansar (bass), Helge Norbakken (percussion) and guest artists from Pakistan, Kenya, Morocco and Lebanon.
Oddrún Lilja Jónsdóttir (NO/IS) : guitar / voice
Sanne Rambags (NL) : voice
Sunna Gunnlaugsdóttir (IS) : piano
Jo Skaansar (NO) : bass / voice
Erik Qvick (SE/IS) : drums