The Young Dark‘s electronic ensemble is a group of Icelandic and Swedish music students who have participated in a collaborative project of the Electronic Studio of Kópavogur Music School and the composition department of Luleå Tekniska Universitet in Piteå, Sweden, under the tuition of Haraldur Vignir Sveinsbjörnsson, Jesper Petersen, Ríkharður Friðriksson and Fredrik Högberg. The participants have a very variable background in different music fields and some of them have years long experience as music performers. After great workshops of collaboration both in Iceland and Sweden, the group’s electronic music has developed in a new and exciting way, so we can expect a highly interesting performance. The concert is sponsored by the Swedish-Icelandic Cooperation Fund, the Letterstedtska Fund, Tónlistarsjóður fund and the town of Kópavogur.