Coffee and a newspaper in the morning? A quick bite in between errands? A delicious lunch while watching swans land in the pond? Dinner before a concert? We’ll have the ducks in a…
Vonarstræti 3, Reykjavík
Græni hatturinn is one of the most popular concert venue in the country as it offers a varied and ambitious program all year round. Number of major musicians of the nation as well…
Hafnarstræti 96 600 Akureyri
Harpa is an award-winning concert hall and conference centre located on the heart of Reykjavík. Harpa is open to the public every day and inside you can find a coffee shop,…
Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavík, Izland
Laugardalshöll is an indoor sporting arena located in Reykjavík, Iceland. The capacity of the arena is 5,500 people. It hosts various sporting events, such as handball, basketball…
Laugardalshöll, Engjavegur 8, 104 Reykjavík
Located on the famous Lækjargata in the heart of Reykjavik City, Hard Rock Cafe Reykjavik contains three floors, each with its own distinctive vibe. The Cellar features the main…
Lækjargata 2A, 101 Reykjavik
Saga Bæjarbíós Bæjarbíó á sér orðið langa sögu og er ein merkasta heimild Íslenskrar kvimyndasögu. Upphafið má rekja altt aftur til seinnistríðsáranna, nánar tiltekið…
Strandgata 6, Hafnarfjörður 220
Hljómahöll is a cultural center in Reykjanesbær. An important forum has been created for conferences, meetings and all kinds of cultural events. The historical community house…
Hjallavegur 2, 260 Reykjanesbær
Salurinn er fyrsti sérhannaði tónleikasalur landsins. Hann var tekinn í notkun 2. janúar 1999. Tónlistarhús Kópavogs er hluti af menningarmiðstöð bæjarins sem stendur á…
Hamraborg 6, Kópavogur
Gaukurinn is a live music venue and bar, situated in downtown Reykjavík. Concerts and events are held every day of the week, the schedule is available on our website and Facebook…
Tryggvagata 22, Reykjavík