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Harpa is an award-winning concert hall and conference centre located on the heart of Reykjavík. Harpa is open to the public every day and inside you can find a coffee shop,…

Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavík, Izland

Tjarnarbíó is the home of independent performing arts and our role is to run that home in a responsible way. Tjarnarbíó’s vested interests coincide completely with the interests…

Tjarnarbíó Theatre I Tjarnargata 12, 101 Reykjavík

Hljómahöll is a cultural center in Reykjanesbær. An important forum has been created for conferences, meetings and all kinds of cultural events. The historical community house…

Hjallavegur 2, 260 Reykjanesbær

Gaflaraleikhúsið er hópur atvinnufólks sem hefur rekið lítið leikhús við Víkingastræti í Hafnarfirði frá 2011. Að hópnum standa Ágústa Skúladóttir, Björk Jakobsdóttir, Gunnar…

Víkingastræti 2 220, Hafnarfjörður

Salurinn er fyrsti sérhannaði tónleikasalur landsins. Hann var tekinn í notkun 2. janúar 1999. Tónlistarhús Kópavogs er hluti af menningarmiðstöð bæjarins sem stendur á…

Hamraborg 6, Kópavogur

Hannesarholt – Cultural house, located in the historic home of the late Hannes Hafstein, Iceland’s first Minister of State and a beloved poet. Hannesarholt is a non…

Grundarstígur 10, Reykjavík

Entertainment and activity – Viking settlement – Legacy – Ancient handcraft

Hafnarstræti 2, Þingeyri, Vestur-Isafjardarsysla

The facilities at Valaskjálf Hotel is equally suitable for concerts and musical events. On a regular basis Valaskjálf orchestrate performances with different bands. The JEA …

Skógarlöndum 3, Egilsstaðir

Austurbær is an event house at Snorrabraut. This historic house has been refurbished in the recent years. There are now three venues suitable for a wide range of events from 50 to…

Snorrabraut 37, Reykjavík